Magazines are on the way...

Thank you for your patience!

You are receiving this email because you are a subscriber to Pamplemousse Magazine or you pre-ordered a copy of THE LOVE ISSUE online.

You may have seen us promoting the new issue on social media and you are probably wondering, when will I get mine???

I'm so sorry for the delay!

It's taking a little bit longer than expected to get the magazines into your mailboxes. Thank you so much for your patience! I promise you will have a beautiful magazine in your hands very soon.

Subscriptions and pre-orders are essential to helping me cover a lot of the cost of the printing. Thank you for your support!

Please let me know if you have any questions and I really can't wait for you to see this issue.

<3 Nora

p.s. if you are local to SF, we're having our release party tonight at the Harvey Milk Photo Center!